The Value of Communications Planning Sessions and How to Lead One

In today’s fast-paced and information-saturated world, having a strategic communications plan is essential for any organization. Whether you are a school, a school district, or a nonprofit, a well-structured communications plan ensures that your messaging is clear, consistent, and effective. One of the most critical steps in developing this plan is conducting a communications planning session. In this blog, we will explore the value of these sessions and provide a guide on how to lead one successfully.

Key Benefits of Communications Planning Sessions

  • Enhanced Clarity and Consistency: A communications planning session helps to define your key messages and ensure they are consistent across all channels. This clarity prevents mixed messages and confusion among your stakeholders.

  • Streamlined Messaging: By having a clear plan, you can streamline your messaging efforts, making it easier to reach your audience effectively. This includes identifying the right channels and the best times to communicate.

  • Better Stakeholder Engagement: A well-planned communication strategy increases engagement by ensuring that your stakeholders receive relevant and timely information. Engaged stakeholders are more likely to support and advocate for your organization.

Steps to Lead a Successful Communications Planning Session


  • Define Objectives and Goals: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with your communications plan. This could be increasing stakeholder engagement, improving brand perception, or ensuring consistent messaging across your organization.

  • Gather Relevant Data and Materials: Collect all necessary information, including past communication efforts, stakeholder feedback, and any relevant data that will inform your planning session.

During the Session

  • Set the Agenda and Stick to It: Having a well-defined agenda keeps the session focused and productive. Ensure that all participants are aware of the agenda beforehand and stick to the allocated times for each topic.

  • Encourage Participation and Feedback: A successful planning session involves input from various stakeholders. Encourage open discussion and consider different perspectives to ensure that your plan is comprehensive and inclusive.

  • Document Key Points and Decisions: Assign someone to take detailed notes during the session. Documenting key points and decisions ensures that nothing is overlooked and provides a reference for follow-up actions.


  • Share a Summary and Action Plan: After the session, share a summary of the key points and the agreed-upon action plan with all participants. This ensures everyone is on the same page and knows their responsibilities.

  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Communications planning is an ongoing process. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress, make adjustments, and ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective.

Case Study: Success in Action

One of our clients, a mid-sized nonprofit, struggled with inconsistent messaging and low stakeholder engagement. After conducting a comprehensive communications planning session, we identified two key issues: the organization lacked clearly defined key messaging that everyone could leverage, and their communications were inconsistent—no regular schedule or channels for updates and information.

During the session, we developed a clear strategy aligned with their goals, addressing these challenges. We created a 3-month communications calendar to ensure consistent messaging and prioritized developing organizational key messaging. The result? Clear messaging that their organization could leverage and a consistent communication cadence. After just three months, they saw a significant increase in stakeholder engagement, with more newsletter openings and increased reactions on their Instagram posts, leading to a more consistent and powerful brand presence.

Communications planning sessions are invaluable for ensuring your messaging is clear, consistent, and effective. Ready to enhance your communications strategy? Schedule a session with SMJ Communications and see the difference a well-planned strategy can make.


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