Sharise Johnson Sharise Johnson

Nurturing the Nurturers – Prioritizing Mental Health & Wellbeing

As we settle into Spring our focus is to pour back into the cups that give so much. In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month we want to ensure that we emphasize the importance of prioritizing mental health for educators, school leaders, and nonprofit leaders and staff.

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Sharise Johnson Sharise Johnson

Maximizing Your Experience at Education Conferences: Top Tips for Success

Over the course of the month of March, the SMJ Communications team has been on the move, attending South by Southwest EDU, the California Charter Schools Conference, and the Georgia Charter Schools Conference. Education conferences like these, and so many others that occur throughout the year, provide an excellent opportunity for professionals to connect, learn, and share their expertise with others in the field. In this blog post, we want to share our top three tips for maximizing your experience at conferences.

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Sharise Johnson Sharise Johnson

3 Ways HBCUs Can Innovate for the Future through Communications

HBCU culture and history are experiencing a renaissance in today’s pop culture as more and more people become aware of the contributions these prestigious institutions have made to the world. HBCUs must capitalize on this momentum boost by remaining creative and becoming innovative in how the schools are presented and branded. How can they do that? Here are three ways to prepare and innovate for the future through communications.

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