Encouraging Nonpartisan Communication in Schools: A CEO and Parent’s Perspective

As the CEO of SMJ Communications and a mother of three young girls, I am deeply invested in how our schools handle communication, especially during politically charged times. The election season can particularly influence the educational environment, and it is essential to ensure that our schools remain neutral spaces focused on education.

Here are five strategies to engage in nonpartisan communication this election season.

1. Promote Factual Communication: I encourage school leaders to prioritize factual, unbiased information in their communications. It's essential to separate educational content from political opinions to maintain a focus on student welfare and educational objectives.

2. Foster Inclusive Environments: At home, I teach my daughters the value of understanding and respecting diverse viewpoints, a practice that extends to my professional advocacy for inclusive communication in schools. By ensuring that schools adhere to this standard, we foster an environment where all students, regardless of background, can thrive.

3. Neutral Communication Strategies: As a parent and a professional in communication, I understand that your messaging is essential to how you communicate with your stakeholders. It is important to craft messages that serve to inform and educate, not to influence.

4. Lead by Example: In community settings and at work, I strive to model nonpartisan dialogue. Demonstrating respectful communication and encouraging open discussions without bias are principles I stand by both personally and professionally.

5. Equip Schools with the Right Tools: At SMJ Communications, we provide resources and training for schools to enhance their ability to communicate effectively and impartially. Sharing these resources is part of our commitment to improving educational environments for all students.

Balancing the roles of a CEO and a parent during election season emphasizes the critical need for nonpartisan communication in our schools. By advocating for factual and inclusive communication strategies, we contribute to a supportive educational environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.


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